This laboratory is the only one in the world
that conducts tsunami research
based on an engineering approach.
- Earth science
- Geology
- Human behavior
- Disaster information ,
Remote sensing technology - Disaster mitigation engineering
Our research interests include earth science, geology, disaster mitigation engineering, human behavior, disaster information, remote sensing technology, and medicine.
We also conduct international projects with United Nations agencies and universities overseas, disaster prevention education, and research with companies, and we are recruiting students to study in our graduate school. The Great East Japan Earthquake has led to a plethora of topics for research, but we are determined to solve them. We are also doing our best to reconstruct and prevent future disasters in the region.
This laboratory participates in the Tohoku University Graduate Program for Excellence in Variable Earth Symbiosis. Students who enroll in the master's or doctoral courses will receive assistance and support based on their research results. Would you like to pursue your research to your heart's content in a cutting-edge research environment?
If you are interested, please contact us at the following address.
AIWEST-DR 2024 Conference Report(Suppasri, Daffa, Kamata, Yasuda, Hayley)
増訂大日本地震史料を読む(首藤伸夫)・・・ 1
日本地震史料を読む(首藤伸夫)・・・ 17
嘉祥三年(850)六月出羽地震とその津波について(都司嘉宣、今井健太郎、畔柳陽介、木南孝博)・・・ 33
日本海東縁地震津波の朝鮮半島東海岸での歴史記録(都司嘉宣)・・・ 47
令和6年能登半島地震および津波についてー即時津波の特徴と今後の複合災害への対応(今村文彦)・・・ 71
本州日本海沿岸における静振卓越周期の由来の考察(阿部邦昭)・・・ 85
底面の水平移動に伴う津波の数値解析(柿沼太郎、帖佐育彦)・・・ 97