Constance Chua

Name Constance Chua
Academic position Research Fellow
International Research Institute of Disaster Science
  • Doctor of Philosophy, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
  • BSc(Hons)in Hazard and Disaster Management, University of Canterbury, New Zealand
  • BA in Geography and Political Science, University of Canterbury, New Zealand
Email constance.chua.ting.a3[@]
Research interests Extreme sea level events, Disaster risk management, Tsunami impacts on critical infrastructure
Awards and prizes
  • Nanyang Research Scholarship
  • Sir Julius von Haast Prize, University of Canterbury
Citations index
Peer-reviewed journals
  1. Cheng, A. C., Suppasri, A., Heidarzadeh, M., Adriano, B., Chua, C. T., & Imamura, F. (2023). Tsunami wave characteristics in Sendai Bay, Japan, following the 2016 Mw 6.9 Fukushima earthquake. Ocean Engineering287, 115676.
  2. Ornthammarath, T., Chua, C. T., Suppasri, A., & Foytong, P. (2022). Seismic damage and comparison of fragility functions of public and residential buildings damaged by the 2014 Mae Lao (Northern Thailand) earthquake. Earthquake Spectra, 87552930221131830.
  3. Suppasri, A., Nishida, T., Pakoksung, K., Cheng, A. C., Chua, C. T., Iwasaki, T., ... & Imamura, F. (2022). Quantifying tsunami impact on industrial facilities and production capacity in ports: An application to Sendai Port, Japan. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction78, 103141.
  4. Chua, C. T., Switzer, A. D., Suppasri, A., Li, L., Pakoksung, K., Lallemant, D., ... & Winspear, N. (2021). Tsunami damage to ports: cataloguing damage to create fragility functions from the 2011 Tohoku event. Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences21(6), 1887-1908.
  5. Otake, T., Chua, C. T., Suppasri, A., & Imamura, F. (2020). Justification of possible casualty-reduction countermeasures based on global tsunami hazard assessment for tsunami-prone regions over the past 400 years. Journal of Disaster Research15(4), 490-502.
  6. Suppasri, A., Pakoksung, K., Charvet, I., Chua, C. T., Takahashi, N., Ornthammarath, T., ... & Imamura, F. (2019). Load-resistance analysis: an alternative approach to tsunami damage assessment applied to the 2011 Great East Japan tsunami. Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences19(8), 1807-1822.
  7. Gumert, M. D., Tan, A. W. Y., Luncz, L. V., Chua, C. T., Kulik, L., Switzer, A. D., ... & Malaivijitnond, S. (2019). Prevalence of tool behaviour is associated with pelage phenotype in intraspecific hybrid long-tailed macaques (Macaca fascicularis aurea× M. f. fascicularis). Behaviour156(11), 1083-1125.
  8. Li, L., Yang, J., Lin, C. Y., Chua, C. T., Wang, Y., Zhao, K., ... & Peng, D. (2018). Field survey of Typhoon Hato (2017) and a comparison with storm surge modeling in Macau. Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences18(12), 3167-3178.
Recent presentations and conferences
  1. Chua, C. T., Otake, T., Watanabe, M., Suppasri, A., Imamura, F., Switzer, A. D. (2023, August 3) Tsunami impacts on the global port network: A case-study of Manila Trench in light of rising sea levels. Oral presentation at the AOGS 20th Annual Meeting, Singapore. 
  2. Chua, C. T., Pakoksung, K., Suppasri, A., Switzer, A.D. (2022, December 8)Tsunami flow parameters influencing port damage: A case-study of the 2011 Tohoku tsunami. Oral presentation at 37th International Conference on Coastal Engineering, Sydney, Australia.
  3. Chua, C. T. (2022, November 30) Tsunami impacts on critical infrastructure: Research gaps and challenges. Keynote presentation at 17th APRU Multi-Hazards Symposium, Bangkok, Thailand.
  4. Chua, C. T., Otake, T., Watanabe, M., Suppasri, A., Imamura, F., Switzer, A.D. (2022, July 13) Impacts Of Extreme Sea Level Events On The Global Port Network: A Case-Study Of A Manila Trench Tsunami. Poster presentation at the WCRP Sea Level Conference, Singapore.
  5. Chua, C. T., Switzer, A.D., Suppasri, A., Pakoksung, K., Li, L., Lallemant, D., Jenkins, S (2021, August 4) Flow Characteristics Influencing Damage to Port Industries – Observations from the 2011 Great East Japan Tsunami. Oral presentation at the AOGS 18th Annual Meeting, Singapore.
  • AOGS Coastal Zone Risk Mitigation and Management Working Group