Earthquake induced Tsunami Risk Evaluation (Tokio Marine and Nichido Fire Insurance)
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About us
Our lab was co-established by IRIDeS and Tokio Marine and Nichido in 2012. We combines IRIDeS’s academic knowledge of science and Tokio Marine and Nichido’s practical knowledge of earthquake and tsunami risk based on its insurance business. We research and evaluate the actual damage caused by the Great East Japan Earthquake and previous large earthquakes and tsunamis (e.g., estimation of wave height distribution and arrival time). We explore the methods for tsunami risk assessment, including damage estimation and occurrence probability, taking into account the vulnerability and disaster prevention capacity of society in Japan and abroad. Furthermore, we provide our findings to the public through seminars and workshops on disaster prevention and mitigation, and developing educational tools for disaster prevention.
The methodology evaluating earthquake induced tsunami risk is developed with tsunami hazard such as wave heights and arrival time, in consideration of the vulnerability in society or disaster prevention ability. And synthetic risks of having added occurrence probability further are examined as well.
Research details
- Conducting a joint research on earthquake induced tsunami risk inside the International Research Institute of Disaster Science
- Collecting and analyzing tsunami risk data in both national and international level
- Collecting and analyzing the actual damage data of the 2011 Great East Japan tsunami and related reconstruction information
- Organizing a symposium in Sendai and Tokyo

Former Members
- Yo FUKUTANI ( Kanto Gakuin University )
- Yoshi ABE ( Sendai City )
- Hiroki TAKIKAWA( Graduate School of Humanities and Sociology and Faculty of Letters, The University of Tokyo )
- Akihiro HAYASHI ( Tokio Marine dR Co., Ltd. )
- Kei YAMASHITA ( Nuclear Regulation Authority )
- Ryu MIYAMOTO ( Tokio Marine dR Co., Ltd. )
- Hidetoshi NISHIYORI ( Tokio Marine Holdings, Inc. )
- Shuji SETO ( Akita University )
- David NGUYEN ( US Department of Defense, US Army Corps of Engineers, Pacific Division, Honolulu District, Public Works Department )
- Earthquake induced Tsunami Risk Evaluation (Tokio Marine and Nichido Fire Insurance)